Hello there,

Nice to meet you! I'm Jenna, a self love advocate, marketing & business entrepreneur, photographer, nature lover and avid traveler.

If you step into my life you will typically find me in my office that is filled with plants, candles, various gems and salt lamps. My coffee has most likely gone cold by now and my bookshelf is slowly collecting dust on the many books I cannot help but get excited to read. Music is playing based on my mood while I edit portraits, work on business or catch myself zoning out of my window planning my very next adventure to go on.

Learning over the past few years more about self love and growth, I began sharing my knowledge with others. I learned that loving myself and my journey in life was the best thing I could do for myself. From meditating to journaling, nature walks, travel and plenty of self care reading, I began to better understand just how I can truly find happiness in my own life. The funny part is learning that somehow in loving yourself first which can at days make you feel alone, you realize now not alone you truly are. I have grown a community of like minded individuals on social media and I hope to continue to create a space for those healing and finding themselves on their journey in life.

If you step into my life you will typically find me in my office that is filled with plants, candles, various gems and salt lamps. My coffee has most likely gone cold by now and my bookshelf is slowly collecting dust on the many books I cannot help but get excited to read. Music is playing based on my mood while I edit portraits, work on business or catch myself zoning out of my window planning my very next adventure to go on.

Self Love

Learning over the past few years more about self love and growth, I began sharing my knowledge with others. I learned that loving myself and my journey in life was the best thing I could do for myself. From meditating to journaling, nature walks, travel and plenty of self care reading, I began to better understand just how I can truly find happiness in my own life. The funny part is learning that somehow in loving yourself first which can at days make you feel alone, you realize now not alone you truly are. I have grown a community of like minded individuals on social media and I hope to continue to create a space for those healing and finding themselves on their journey in life.


Growing up in a small city in Wisconsin I always wanted to see what the world had to offer. My life goal is to visit all of the places on my travel bucket list and luckily I checked off my #1 spot being Paris, France.


The adventure you create while exploring the world is something that I hold dear in my heart.

I'm a sucker for a local coffee shop or restaurant. I adore finding cute souvenirs in local stores and soaking in the culture and atmosphere while creating memories to last a lifetime.


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